Our Mission
Each year thousands of outdoor farm animals suffer terribly from heat pain without access to adequate or NO shade or shelter in paddocks, holding pens, feedlots and saleyards throughout Australia and countries around the world.
Let’s stop this needless suffering!
Weather and its Effects on Animals

Take Action
How can you help?
Sign a Petition
Join the thousands of voices around the world campaigning for better conditions for animals
Make a Report
Report incidents of animal cruelty or abuse to local authorities or support groups
Write a Letter
Advice on how to write and engage with your local government or representatives
Shade Solutions
Do you have farm animals? Learn how to protect their health with shade
Support our sister site
Ban Dog Chaining

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News and Updates from Animals Need Shade
Full Submission from Animals Need Shade to ACPA
Review of the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 The following submissions are made by the community group Animals Need Shade. Parliamentary privilege is being utilised. Submission on shade/shelter May 2021
Suggested Answers for Review of the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001
The Queensland Government is reviewing the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 (the ACPA). The review marks 20 years since the ACPA commenced. Animals are an important part of life for most Queenslanders and their welfare is held in high regard by the community. The...
Dog Tethering – Submission to the review of the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001
Submission to the review of the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 The Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 is the principal animal welfare legislation in Queensland. The government has finally decided it’s time for a review - 20 years after the act came into force....
Shade Shelter – Submission to Review Animal Care and Protection Act 2001
Review Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to the review of the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 (ACPA). Animals Need Shade is a volunteer organisation that has been operating since 2019 and in just two years has...
Tips on writing a shade/shelter submission to Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 review
Tips on writing a shade/shelter submission to Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 review, May 2021 The Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 is the principal animal welfare legislation in Queensland. The government has finally decided it’s time for a review - 20 years...
Queensland Heat is Deadly
The State Government is set to change the way animals are treated in Queensland. It’s announced a review of the 20-year-old Animal Care and Protection Act. But an animal advocacy group says it’s ignoring one of the Sunshine State’s most basic animal welfare needs –...
Elizabeth’s Story – Supporting Animal Welfare
Elizabeth Shanahan reckons ownership is a major factor in animal cruelty. And she’s seen a lot of animals and sadly a lot of cruelty over the years. She started as president of the RSPCA’s Rockhampton branch in 1993 but she’s been involved in animal welfare for more...
Animals Need Shade – Queensland Parliament E-Petition
Animals Need Shade have launched a new e-petition now available to sign at https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/work-of-assembly/petitions/petition-details?id=3499 To sign this petition you must be a resident of Queensland, Australia with a valid ID and address. Petition...
Climate change and heat stress
As the leading scientific research is telling us (the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the United Nations Environment Program, the World Meteorological Organisation, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) climate change is real and accelerating....
Animals Need Shade on ABC Radio Australia
Animals Need Shade were recently interviewed by ABC Radio Australia on our activities lobbying for mandatory shade for the welfare and protection of all animals. Listen to the interview belowTake Action How can you help?Join the thousands of voices around the world...