Get Involved
MAKE A REPORTIn the absence of tough laws to protect our animals it has been left to the community to shine a light on this animal welfare crisis. Farm animals are suffering on a daily basis in heatwaves which are now the new normal in our climate emergency. Key organisations are failing to protect because the policy is poor and laws inadequate. Shade shelter is a critical issue which effects animals and the community on many levels.
Please make a report if you see Farm animals suffering!
Before you make a report
- Record the number of animals, date, time, colour and condition of animals.
- Record the temperature at the site on the day (we recommend a screenshot of the weather App on your phone if possible).
- Record the license plate of any vehicles on the site.
- Take photos and videos with a point of reference (Do not enter private land, take photos from a safe position on roads and public land only).
- If possible take notes or even better a video highlighting the respitory condition of the animals (e.g. number of pants/breathes per minute).
- Are the animals trying to use a small source of shade (e.g. from others bodies, fence posts, windmill blades, thin trees, rocks, etc).
Making your report
- For 10 animals or less report to the RSPCA in your state using the contact details below (For NT all reports go straight to the government)
- For more than 10 animals or any number of dairy cows report to the Dept of Agriculture in your state (Contact details below)
- If possible make your report electronically using personal email.
- Some agencies offer submission via an online form, however not all of them automatically generate a case/reference number so make sure you follow up with the agency to get a case/reference number if you don’t get one automatically.
- ALWAYS ask for a case or reference number
After you’ve made a report
- Save any electronic corespondance on your computer or print a copy with your case/reference number
- If you continue to see animals suffering in the same location we recommend contacting the legal centres listed below with your notes and case/reference number
- If you chose to escalate your complaint to a local MP, Minister, Senators or media make sure you have records of your report, interactions with other bodies and case/reference number
RSPCA Contacts by State
Generally the RSCPA is your best option for reports for 10 animals or less